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Bishop & Golf Cart
Golf Classic

Participant's Information

Foursome / Individual Registration - $125.00 / Person

Sponsorship Registration

We anticipate over 100 golfers from the corporate, professional, and religious communities to participate in this golf outing. Take advantage of this diverse exposure through various sponsorship opportunities.

Scholarship - $2,000.00 

  1. Sponsor of the 2023 Annual Scholarship Awards
  2. Company Name and Logo on Marquis Banner, Driving Range, all promotional material
  3. Golf for four (4) players

Gold - $1,000.00

  1. Sponsor of Lunch and Awards
  2. Company Name and Logo at Lunch Area and Driving Range
  3. Golf for four (3) players
  4. Company Name and Logo on Hole Marquee

Silver - $500.00

  1. Exclusive Sponsor of one (1) hole
  2. Company Name and Logo on Hole Marquee
  3. Golf for two (2) players

Bronze - $250.00

  1. Sponsor Longest Drive or Closest to the Pin or Longest Putt
  2. Company Name and Logo on Hole Marquee
  3. Golf for one (1) player

Hole - $125.00 

  1. Company Name and Logo on Hole Marquee